Sunday, December 23, 2012

Snapshots and Giggles: Merry Christmas Eve Eve, and a VERY Happy 46th Anniversary to My Parents!

And I cannot stop laughing as my neighbor was "screaming": "monkey down, MONKEY DOWN!"

Asian Golden?  Laughing Pooch?  Hard to tell with Mr. Pooooo
Photo: I get to be the orange car!!!
I was the orange car;)
Photo: I always wondered how those were done... 
Photo: Palm trees and Panera's
Panera's and Palms!

Had to run down to a shop by the beach yesterday, so of course I HAD to stop at the beach:D

While I was out shopping yesterday, J and the girls made his mother's infamous Christmas cutouts!

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

I Won a Contest!!!

 Photo: I won a contest a few months back, but did not see the message asking for my address until a few days ago.......and today, 12-21-2012; I received this prize in the mail....from Mike Dooley!  I thought the timing was very cool!

I won a contest a few months back, but did not see the message asking for my address until a few days ago.......and today, 12-21-2012; I received this prize in the mail....from Mike Dooley! I thought the timing was very cool!

Free Spirit: see link below for ordering details

click HERE to order

Crazy Beach Boutique

So, the girls and I had one of our Girls' Day Out...and while driving around we noticed that one of the more up scale resale shops was gone and replaced by a new shop called Crazy Beach Boutique.  Now, the name alone was enough to peak our we attempted to go there on Monday... it was closed..bummer:/

But then there was Wednesday...I had more last minute bracelet orders to ship out at the post office...which meant we had the opportunity to once again drive past Crazy Beach Boutique...on the way home, I almost didn't stop... almost

But the girls and I are SO glad we stopped...we love this place....LOVE!!!!!  It is still a resale shop...and quite frankly, I'm not usually a huge fan of resale shops...but this one is different....this one has a very particular theme, and a full time decorator/designer!!!!!!!!  I had a nice long chat with her, because this place is amazing, and fun, and inspiring, and happy!!  It is now owned by the Off Island Cancer Thrift Shops (which we have a few)...but they were given a building of their own....same cause...different look...and did I mention this place is happy and fun!!!!!!  I of course snapped a few photos (surprise surprise:D) But my photos will NOT do this place justice....did I mention this place is uber cheerful, and fun????!!!!!  I'm sure we will be back, often!  Think of all (the junk,) ahem, "treasures" we never knew we needed!!!!

And now, for your grand tour......

 Photo: Treasures from Crazy Beach Boutique Crazy Beach Boutique...cute cancer thrift shop!!

Photo: Treasures from Crazy Beach Boutique
And now for the loot we landed.....
Photo: Treasures from Crazy Beach Boutique!
Photo: Treasures from Crazy Beach Boutique
That's right, I really did buy this GIANT moon necklace:D
Photo: Treasures from Crazy Beach Boutique
Photo: New frog in the fam!!
welcome to our newest frog edition...we figured the happy tree frog on the left should balance out the mean-looking bull frog on the right;)
ribbit, ribbit

I'm Proud of My Little Angel

This girl is a VERY strong reader!  And she LOVES to read!  She also loves ballet, and she LOVES to work in the kitchen...who am I to stop her???!!!  Her specialty is baking.  I started out by purchasing packaged cake or muffin mixes...but she was bored with that within about a week.  She's been baking from scratch ever since.  This all started when she first turned eight.  For Thanksgiving, we were responsible for bringing a pumpkin pie to Florida with us.  She (did use a premade crust), but baked the pie.  And it was delish!  Now we were asked to bring Christmas cookies to Florida with us for Christmas.  I picked out four recipes......and told Little Angel that it was her job to read through all four recipes, and figure out what we don't have in the kitchen, and make a grocery list....which she did....and then today, it was her job to bake/make all the goodies....which she did...and DANG, this girl can seriously bake!

 Photo: And the cookie sisters begin their baking marathon...other than cleanup or answering questions; they are doing all the baking!
ok, so yes, this picture is a repeat...but so what...aren't they cute?

She reported that after creating the chocolate crinkles, jelly tots, and fudge, that she was I let the chocolate peppermint bark pass for now;)  (Hey, I'm not a total slave driver? :)  This weekend J and the girls plan on making Grandma Jeanne's infamous Christmas cutouts....they are very excited:)  And I am more than willing to let them work, as for some reason, I do not enjoy making cutouts (though I have fond memories of decorating them with my Grandma:)

So, I just wanted to report that it is an hour past midnight of the winter solstice of 2012.....aka, December 21, far so good...which is good, because we need to eat Little Angel's yummy treats!

THE END (well, I hope it's not;)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Gratitude is the Door to the Universe (see link below for ordering details)

click HERE to order

Embrace the Path of Love (see link below for ordering details)

click HERE to order

What We're Doing the Day Before the Apocalypse

Piper's look... The day preceding the apocalypse 

getting ready to sort through and organize lots and lots of community band music (I'm a co-librarian...this is what we do:D)

After several weeks, out first batch of home-made vanilla is ready...just in time for Christmas baking! 
 Photo: Gorgeous day; amazing coastal breezes; cool sound coming from my is rich!
Gorgeous day; amazing coastal breezes; cool sounds coming from my is rich! Meditation seemed like a good idea; you know, the day before the world is to come to an end....I had a slight meditational mishap though, I dropped a large amethyst cluster on my head...perhaps that was MY Apocalypse?
Photo: And the cookie sisters begin their baking marathon...other than cleanup or answering questions; they are doing all the baking!
And the cookie sisters begin their baking marathon...other than cleanup or answering questions; they are doing all the baking! 
enjoying the AMAZING energies coming through!

and what day would be complete sans Dragonfly Inspirations bracelets?
December 21st, 2012...the much anticipated day is amongst is.  "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine!!"  The Mayans predicted times following this upcoming amazing winter solstice would change the world as we know it.  Of course their prediction was grossly misinterpreted and polluted with much fear and uncertainty over the years; but the truth of the matter is, it's not the "end" of the's the beginning...of Love, Truth, Oneness, and Amazement...get ready for the ride and DANCE YOUR DREAM!  Much Love to You All!  

Breathe in Love; Breathe out Peace........

Embrace Your Inner Peace (click on link below for ordering details)

click HERE to order