Friday, April 30, 2010

Let's Go for a Bike Ride!

It's a BEAUTIFUL breezy 81 degrees today---we hit the books and then we hit the trails!! This is our second trip to the trails--last time we went, a nice day in March, it was low 70's, but the snow was melting and the trails were muddy, and of course the trees were still dormant--so we wound up leaving the trail for a paved road-side path. Also, last time we hit the trail, my four year old Fairy girl was still using training wheels--and now she's zipping around like she's never had them!! So--today we tested her new skills on the crushed gravel---the only spill she took was in the parking lot, where it's not so crushed, but rather chunky and slippery. The trees of course are now beautifully in bloom--the sun went down, and the skies turned cloudy, just in time for their ride (I walked; I have a very hard time riding in slow motion--though they aren't all that slow anymore:)---the winds really picked up, which sounded really cool, as it was howling too! And there were lots of birds and bugs and tree frogs---LOVE the sounds and breezes of summer!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

glad the good weather finally found you!