Thursday, June 2, 2011

This I Miss About Wisconsin!

There are definitely things I do miss about Wisconsin:
I miss the sight of beautiful farms, barns, and rolling hills (yes we have farms here, but, there's something very "countryish" about the Dairyland's many many farms!)  I also miss apple farms and pumpkin farms!  Apparently apples don't grow here and pumpkins are extremely difficult to grow--the rare farms that do grow them have to go to GREAT length to make the pumpkins happen!  I do miss the northwoods atmosphere---of rustic country---that doesn't exist here--it's a whole different feel.  I miss cheese:)  Yes, of course we have imported cheese here--but I really miss WI cheese and the WI cheese prices:)  I of course miss my WI bands---I am currently still bandless at the moment--I don't have to be, but the one accessible band to me in Savannah, still doesn't feel like the right choice.  I met with the local high school band director and put a bug in his ear that our town *needs* a community band!  Please keep your fingers crossed that this can happen some day sooner than later!  And here's a biggie, I miss inland lakes--and the whole look of up north.  Guess what, unless it's the ocean or a pool, we can't just hop in the lakes, ponds and rivers and swim around here!  No more floating on a raft on a warm summer lazy day---aparently the alligators frown upon that:(  So, yes, I really really miss Wisconsin's abundant and beautiful inland lakes! 
 Oh, and I miss tulips:( 

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