Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving in Florida 2014:)

Thanksgiving with all the grandparents in Florida. Yes, this is Cracker Barrel:) Moving weekend, not a lot of time for cooking...but we were together and had a great time!  My parents' house and Js' dad's house are about two hours apart, so we met in the middle.  Only, we had driven in from SC that day, picked my parents up and kept going.  J's dad was very concerned about us having to wait too long for a he arrived two hours before we were due to arrive, and literally held the best table in the house for us!  (All the while receiving the stinkeye from the manager, no doubt;)...But by golly, we walked in and met up and had a wonderful time!  R even baked a cake and brought it into Cracker Barrel, and even asked for plates :D  We had the best waitress ever!

Very grateful for another Thanksgiving with all the grandparents and us together.  This will probably be the last holiday gathering with all the grandparents, as my parents have left Florida Js' dad and R are going to try to come visit us this spring; which will be wonderful!  (gee, we got my parents to move here, I wonder if we could work on them next, hmmmmmm;)

Happy Thanksgiving from our Clan to Yours!

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