Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day! (my sweetie done good:)

Fairy Girl's daddy surprised her with this today--I just caught the irony, and I'm not sure he did, notice, Snoopy is holding a pair of scissors; and just two days ago, Fairy Girl handled her older sister a pair of child safe scissors, and asked for and received a haircut! (ughhhh)

Let's just say, he hasn't given me a small box since we were engaged:)

Sweet Fairy Girl enjoying a Tinkerbelle card her daddy picked out.

Buddy's truly our heart breaker--we love our boy!
(note to Izzy, quit your blubbering:)

Little Angel reading her Little Mermaid card.

And as for me, my sweetie done good...

Yep, real real good!

The especially neat thing about his choice is, just a few weeks ago I was actually hoping to receive some jewelry piece in citrine from him, because that's the birthstone for November, which is the month of Buddy's birthday (oh ya, and my dad's and my sis in law's and Deanna Cornelie's (my cabbage patch kid that my grandparents gave to me back in the mid 80's, I still have her:)--