Thursday, February 10, 2011

My "Garbage" Veggie Soup

I'm using up things in the "cupboards," in my attempt NOT to grocery shop before we move.  I threw this soup together, wasn't even going to bother to taste it myself:D....but then I did--and if I may say so myself--WOWZA!  Heck, even my very picky darling daughters liked it, which is a miracle in itself!  I served this with the pumpkin muffins from the recipe below (remember, using up things in the pantry:D)  The muffins were also a hit (I opted to do the muffins without the streusal topping:).  I don't have proportions for my soup---so I'll just rattle off the ingredients:

a can of tomato sauce (I wasn't so sure about this, but had no diced tomatoes, it really worked!)
chicken stock
one can of kidney beans
onion (or onion powder, I was out of onions:)
garlic powder (forgot I still had garlic:)
sea salt
Penzey's salt free mural of seasonings


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