Friday, November 16, 2012

Art Journaling: Mixed Media

First of all, let me premise this by saying, I am NOT an artist!  In fact, I'm one of those rare kids who detested art class!  The last official art class I took, was the manditory elementary school art class in 6th grade.  Sad, isn't it.  But, I do enjoy crafty things, even though I'm not all that crafty either....but I want to be!  That said, ALL children (except me:) LOVE art...right?  And my older one seemed to always have a natural talent in it.  So, other than a few arts and crafts projects I come up with for them, they don't have much and are pretty much being deprived (ok, they have lots of freetime to create, which is more than most traditionally schooled children have...and they do....)  But, I wanted to incorporate something a little more ongoing and formal, where we can take it in any direction to suit us at the, (after doing research on custom designing pendants due to very "non standard" requests in my Dragonfly Inspirations bracelet business...the pendants story shall come later)...I came up with the idea of having the girls and I keep art jouraling in the format of Mixed Media (meaning, we can do whatever the heck we want, right;)?  

So, today was our first go at the art journals, and the girls had a BLAST!!!  I can definitely see us incorporating some of our unit studies into this as well!  

and, the pages were totally up to them.....

Little Miss Angel's First Journal entry:

Photo: Karina

Fairy Girl's First Journal entry:

Photo: Mixed media journaling: Katie  

Photo: Seriously piper?  Did you really think I wouldn't notice?!   and, just because....

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