Friday, November 9, 2012

The Vegetarian Family Took a Field Trip Yesterday....

To a natural organic LIVESTOCK Farm...I was really, REALLY hoping they would not discuss why they were raising and plumping up their animals.  Thankfully, the focus was on learning about the animals, meeting them, and playing with them.  We rode tripped about 70 miles into rural Georgia for this; driving amongst acres and acres and acres of cotton fields which have come into reminded the girls of snow.  This made them happy:)

And, without further adieu, the pictoral tour/ recap of our way cool field trip!

We had a nice size homeschool group join us!


We enjoyed a wonderful hayride; to go feed the pigs:D


And let me tell you, those pigs go HOG WILD when they see a field trip arriving on the hayride...bunches and bunches and bunches of pigs greeted us at the gate.  And they started chasing us as we were driving to the feeding area...and then, bunches and bunches and bunches more came running out of the woods...and then, we were instucted to yell: "sue -eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"...and literally bunches and bunches and bunches more came running out of the woodwork!  They were anxiously awaiting their Pig Bread (stale bread the farmers purchase at discounted rates from the grocers).  We had a large group of us (as you can see from the first photo)....and we were each given a full loaf of bread or buns, and then we fed the pigs their pig bread...they were so happy:)  A few of the bigger pigs had bread on their backs, it was quite a sight.  I love the piggies, they are so cute (and hopefully they love me, because the ONLY bacon I touch is Morning Star;)


In case that wasn't enough, Little Miss Angel got to hold a pooped on her shoe:O


And she held a bunny...this one had better manners:D


And Fairy Girl held the baby bunny...
And petted the donkies...I had no idea they were so sweet...reminded me of big doggies!  We also learned the purpose of having the donkies is to chase and tire out the predators...four legged and winged varieties!


This adorable guy (Great Pyranees) is still a puppy!!!  He's only 9 months old and he's HUGE!


And see this egg?  This is literally FRESH out of the chicken!!  We visited the chicken coops, and she looked under one of the chickens, to find the coop empty; looked back, and she found the golden egg:D


Gobble Gobble Gobble (just ask Lex:)


See this sweet guy?  Well he's not, he reminds me of Cookie, the Thief (one of our beloved family dogs;)  He kept chewing on my sweater...I found out that goats are notorious pick pockets!  (How fun are they!!!!)

And while the kids have a blast in the wonderful playground area....


Mama Kicks back....ahhhhhhhh, Green Acres is the Life For Me:D

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