Wednesday, February 5, 2014

adventures in almond flour continues

take two on bread....using almond butter as opposed to sunbutter......please note, this time the bread is NOT green...and I think it's extremely tasty!!  (especially toasted;) 

I also decided to make these
Dark chocolate chip/pecan/cinnamon almond added sugar...almond flour....holy YUM!  

(credit for the recipe goes to my friend Katie......I added a few more touches...almond extract, sea salt and pecans) 

2-cups Almond Flour
2- tablespoons of cinnamon you can go less...
1/2 cup of dark chocolate chunks or chips... If you like less or more you choose
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Third of a cup almond milk unsweetened....
parchment paper on a cookie sheet...
.375° ...about 25 minutes 

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