Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Wet Slippery Heavy Slush Christmas....

Doesn't this *look* pretty? It's not--it's the heaviest snow I've seen--it's white, wet, heavy slippery slush--and it's still going! I attempted to shovel a path just so we could get Piper out to his kennel, and that took a lot of strength and effort! It's THAT heavy---the picture with the shed shows our normally tall berry bush, collapsed to the ground! I'm glad I found Angel some new snow pants this week; I know they'll be out there (for about 10 minutes and then they want in--it takes longer to get them bundled up, than the time they actually spend out there:) J called and said he saw a school bus full of kids in the ditch, he has no doubt a few kids were tossed from their seats (with no belts on the busses)--AND listen to this:) on his way to work, he sees a guy who rides his bike to work, EVERY day; and today was no exception!