Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sunsets and Dolphins!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE where we live; and I'm NOT going back!  But I really do miss my band nights, especially Thursday nights!  And, I'm currently still bandless...just waiting to get more settled to see what direction I'd like to go with my music.  In the meantime, I really have been VERY homesick for my Brookfield Band in particular, and some of my band, we had to come up with a Thursday night "thing" to keep me happy:)  And, we came up with something quite good, that we ALL really look forward to every week!  Our small town has a weekly Farmer's Market--on Thursdays!  This is not just a produce stand type of market--sure there is produce, but there is also hand-crafted items, gourmet foods (afterall, I did just purchase home-made ravioli tonight--asparagus and mascarpone cheese:D), chefs with stands, icecream, crepes, cake pops, sweet potato pie, gourmet soups, etc---yes, we come down every week to have dinner!  (and buy some produce:)--and not only is there food, crafts and produce, but live music!  

Following our weekly dinner and fun at the Farmer's Market, we go a couple of blocks down the road to the May River to enjoy the gorgeous South Carolina sunsets (and believe me, they really are very spectacular down here!)  And tonight, for the first time since we moved to SC---we were blessed by the presence of dolphins---three!  they were just swimming, not playing.  It was *only* in the 60s this evening; apparently they only like to play in warm weather--kind of like me:)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Cool thing about the dolphins!

That farmer's market sounds like a bunch of fun.