Sunday, May 19, 2013

I wrote a little thank you note to Island Cowgirl

and I just found this on her blog; I'm so touched!

…postcards from hilton head…

Island Cowgirl Hilton headWe have the best customers. Yesterday I received a beautiful, heartfelt email from someone just reaching out to me in a random act of kindness. To let me know what Island Cowgirl means to her…and I am reminded again why I do what I do.
It is so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day chores of running a business and everything that goes into it…that sometimes we feel disconnected from what really matters. This is a common theme among my artist friends & I. We talk about this a lot. A LOT.
It meant the world to me that she took a tiny piece out of her day to write such a sweet email…and it pulled me back into the now, the present & reminded me that living in the moment is ever so infinitely important…so much so that I could almost smell the salt air and sun on my toes on that beach in Hilton Head.
Here is her letter:

Hi Gals! 
I feel like we’re old friends now!
Thank you for ALL the wonderful jewelry; it makes me happy, everyday, to pick out my outfits based on the Island Cowgirl bling I’m wearing;) (and inspires me in my own work). I feel genuninely uplifted and joyful, wearing your pieces.  They are truly filled with VERY beautiful energy…thank you!  Enjoy the photo, taken from Hilton Head Beach, my neck of the woods on the opposite coast;) (starfish anklet). Peace & Blessings.
Thank you Sherry! You made my day.

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