Friday, July 31, 2015

ON THIS DAY: FB Memories, five years ago today!

I had WAY too many posts, but I was kind of excited about our recent move to Paradise and all;) But I have to share, so I'll just do this in one post (I think you'll agree it's worth the share;):
1. heading to the beach (Hunting Island) for a sand sculpting contest and a steel band!
2. Super serious sculpters arrived with measuring tape, rubber hammer and lots of wood
3. Totally humiliated:O. Stood up for a minute, sat back down on my chair, it wasn't there:/ strong atlantic breezes. Yes i had witnessess laughing with me:D
4. I'm going to cave in their mote if the GROWNUps next to us keep stepping on my 4 y/o's castles!! (this is a VERY serious threat here people!)
5. Second Place!!!!

FB memories, on this day in 2012:

Fair Girl is suddenly, hopping/skipping/limping: (K, what's wrong?) "A broken leg, I woke up with it:("

happenings around the home....

My sweet fairy girl decided to surprise mama with breakfast in bed 💚
This fluffy dude is trying to hone in .... Yes that's a sock on his head
...and his snout

Cardboard + duct tape = a new car in the making! 

Sherry Iaffaldano's photo.
sock monkey carvan

Thursday, July 30, 2015

TBT: from "the Polaroids"

circa 7th birthday party.  Isn't my red, white, and blue banana seat bike the coolest thing ever!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

blessings of mommyhood

Aerial view of my girls playing barbies and mermaids in their "kiddy" pool .... I love this

Because of texters, inattentive drivers, curvy roads with blind spots, etc, we've been overly protective on how far they can ride their bikes. Today, we handed them a cell phone (yes, I know I didn't have that as a kid, but you know;), and told them to watch for cars, stay together, but go explore! (We have a very large neighborhood).
They were SO excited!
Ahhh sweet freedom;)

And then they came home from their "grown up" freedom and asked us to inflate their pool (for the first time in three years) they can play Barbies:) 

Set of FIVE personalized or affirmation necklaces CUSTOM REQUEST

It was my privilege and honor to receive this meaningful project: a group of soul sisters celebrating one of their own's birthday and five year cancer survivor anniversary!  

Sunday, July 26, 2015

my veggie chowder recipe

in a soup pot, steam (bring to boil and reduce heat to medium low, covered) one head of chopped broccoli, corn, and shredded carrot (about 1-1.5 cups each) in enough broth or water to cover, for about 9 minutes, or until broccoli is softened.  Mash broccoli with a potato masher to desired consistency, and to help thicken.

in another sauce pan,  whisk about two Tbsp of flour into about 2 TBSP of melted butter; and slowly add and whisk two cups of milk (use non dairy milk if preffered).  bring to a slow boil, keep whisking, and let it thicken (takes about a minute or two).  Add in shredded or grated cheeses of choice (if desired), and melt.   Turn off heat and season with sea salt to taste.

Pour the milk mixture into the veggies and broth and combine.  Add in some sour cream or plain yogurt, if desired, for more creaminess.    Add one teaspoon of Old Bay Seasoning (or to taste), stir and serve!