Friday, July 31, 2015

ON THIS DAY: FB Memories, five years ago today!

I had WAY too many posts, but I was kind of excited about our recent move to Paradise and all;) But I have to share, so I'll just do this in one post (I think you'll agree it's worth the share;):
1. heading to the beach (Hunting Island) for a sand sculpting contest and a steel band!
2. Super serious sculpters arrived with measuring tape, rubber hammer and lots of wood
3. Totally humiliated:O. Stood up for a minute, sat back down on my chair, it wasn't there:/ strong atlantic breezes. Yes i had witnessess laughing with me:D
4. I'm going to cave in their mote if the GROWNUps next to us keep stepping on my 4 y/o's castles!! (this is a VERY serious threat here people!)
5. Second Place!!!!

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