Friday, December 21, 2012

I'm Proud of My Little Angel

This girl is a VERY strong reader!  And she LOVES to read!  She also loves ballet, and she LOVES to work in the kitchen...who am I to stop her???!!!  Her specialty is baking.  I started out by purchasing packaged cake or muffin mixes...but she was bored with that within about a week.  She's been baking from scratch ever since.  This all started when she first turned eight.  For Thanksgiving, we were responsible for bringing a pumpkin pie to Florida with us.  She (did use a premade crust), but baked the pie.  And it was delish!  Now we were asked to bring Christmas cookies to Florida with us for Christmas.  I picked out four recipes......and told Little Angel that it was her job to read through all four recipes, and figure out what we don't have in the kitchen, and make a grocery list....which she did....and then today, it was her job to bake/make all the goodies....which she did...and DANG, this girl can seriously bake!

 Photo: And the cookie sisters begin their baking marathon...other than cleanup or answering questions; they are doing all the baking!
ok, so yes, this picture is a repeat...but so what...aren't they cute?

She reported that after creating the chocolate crinkles, jelly tots, and fudge, that she was I let the chocolate peppermint bark pass for now;)  (Hey, I'm not a total slave driver? :)  This weekend J and the girls plan on making Grandma Jeanne's infamous Christmas cutouts....they are very excited:)  And I am more than willing to let them work, as for some reason, I do not enjoy making cutouts (though I have fond memories of decorating them with my Grandma:)

So, I just wanted to report that it is an hour past midnight of the winter solstice of 2012.....aka, December 21, far so good...which is good, because we need to eat Little Angel's yummy treats!

THE END (well, I hope it's not;)

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