Monday, March 18, 2013

Wax Museum Biographies

so the girls' yoga/ballet instructor Ms. Laura, always does a fun learning project after yoga is done.  Over the last few weeks, she gave the girls instructions to choose a famouse woman (or man:) in history, dress the part, and act them out, after their "button" is if they are wax figures in a museum.  They are also to choose their wax "still" pose.  

Fairy Girl wasn't too interested in participating, so I'm not going to push it.  But Little Angel was all over this one...a little too all over....she couldn't narrow it down to any one person...but, her indecisiveness didn't hurt her, because she researched several famous people, and learned: Betsy Ross, Martha Washington, Maria Tallchief, Eleanor Roosevelt, Marie Antoinette...until we finally convinced her (after missing out on two opportunities to practice in class:) to go for Amela Earhart.
Photo: Okatie Youth Ballet (homeschool yoga class)
Wax Museum Biographies
Amelia Earhart
Here are the other girls:
Photo: Okatie Youth Ballet (homeschool yoga class)

Wax Museum Biographies (from right to left):
Pearl Cornioley
Maria Tallchief
Betsy Ross 
George Washington 
Jacklyn Kennedy Onassis
Laura Ingles Wilder 
Amelia Earhart
Wax Museum Biographies (from right to left):
Pearl Cornioley
Maria Tallchief
Betsy Ross
George Washington
Jacklyn Kennedy Onassis
Laura Ingles Wilder
Amelia Earhart 

And great time, and lots of learning, was had by all!

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