Monday, July 22, 2013

and the girls are attending summer camp this week!

 Today (and every day this week), I set my alarm (I NEVER do this) so I have time for my Kundalini yoga session, and then I get to prepare bag lunches for the girls, get them up and ready, make and feed them breakfast, and drive them to musical theatre summer camp. This must be a taste of what the morning shuffle feels like when kids are traditionally schooled....well, except that my girls are REALLY excited to go:D

They had SO much fun today!  They are in camp with their ballet teacher, doing arts and crafts, painting sets, doing costuming, and preparing for a mini play Friday.....there are six girls in their camp, so a couple of the girls will be acting out two Fairy girl...she will be playing the role of Tinker Belle AND Captain Hook....Little Angel will be Wendy...any guesses on the play?  anybody?  Bueller........

And THIS mama has a summer camp of her own....five consectutive days of four glorious hours to herself.....wooooo hooooo!  (ok, yes, I love and miss my girls while they are at camp, but any home/unschooling mama will reep HUGE benefits and feel very refreshed with a little "me" time:)  And that is always good for the family too:)

The girls (sorry for the closed eyes, I was only permitted one photo:), with packed lunches, on their way into their first day of summer camp. 

meanwhile, while the girls were at summer camp, here are some glimpses of how it all went down for FREE mama :D

could the day BE anymore perfect than this :D  I (ahem the girls;) LOVE summer camp!!!!!!

oh, and as an added bonus, I won this in a drawing my neighbor and favorite Thirty One consultant held, and found this sitting on my front porch!!!


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