Friday, July 5, 2013

Piper's first water training class.....

This is very cool!  J saw an ad in our town's paper advertising free water training (they just ask that you make a donation to a dog organization they specify)....teaching dogs to swim, be water safe (important before we bring him on our boat), retrieve, and basic water rescue skills.  Other than baths, this was literally Piper's first time in the water.  He actually did very well!  And (as long as he was in the water), he was fine with the other dogs around him too.  We kept him on a tight leash outside of the water, as we want the ability to return;)  I think he had some fun...he was a little nervous, but he didn't totally hate it;)  Today he wore a life jacket the whole time, to get used to what floating feels like and we worked with his water toy...he LOVES his new water toy:) This was a GREAT experience for the whole family, and for Piper, not just in the water, but to help get him a bit more socialized, which he REALLY needs; and there were lots of large breed doggies there (and a golden puppy;)....and we can't wait to return for further classes!

and then there was icecream;)  Peach and Butter Pecan, from our favorite local farm/country restaurant: 
(and no, it's not called the Chicken Kitchen:)

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