Friday, August 23, 2013

another magical messenger?

so yesterday (8/22/13)  I was sitting in my beautiful backyard watching all these beautiful dragonflies and butterflies fluttering around.  It was amazing!  My backyard is such a haven for dragonflies and butterflies!!!  In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE to photograph dragonflies;)  And, some really don't seem to mind me photographing them (thus the good photos;)....but, for every one that isn't camera shy, there are several that just want to be left alone, and immediately fly away.  That was my experience yesterday, NObody would pose for me (snff snff:(  until around 6pm, I saw a beautiful one sitting on our chair, wings glistening in the sunlight.....I decided to give it a shot.  I even silenced my phone (to avoid the camera click) to be extra polite in my invasion;)  Well, I thought I was sneaking up from behind, quietly snapped the first shot (below), when all of a sudden, this beautiful guy just flew right onto my phone, and I even moved my phone really close to my face, and we were literally looking into one another's eyes, and souls!  This was definitely a moment....and a message (yet to be deciphered;)  This went on for at least a minute until I explained I had to leave and thanked him profusely.  He then flew back to his chair, where I was able to get a close up of those beautiful eyes I got a glimpse into.   Amazing-ness!

I would also like to share that two days prior, Fairy Girl had noticed a big dragonfly under one of our chairs, I got really close and saw he couldn't fly...he was twitching around...I looked, the wings did not look stuck, but this poor guy couldn't fly, and maybe, sadly looked to be dying.  I don't know what happened.  Piper doesn't go after dragonflies, but I really hope he didn't bring harm to this guy:(  So, there wasn't a whole lot I could do for him, so, I ran in and grabbed some cardboard and gently placed him in the woods, on the otherside of our fence.  I sent him Reiki, asked for healing/peace for him.  And left.  I came back to check on him later, and unfortunately he was still there, twitching.  I haven't been back, we had a huge storm that night, so I'm sure he's at peace now.  Perhaps this is part of why I was gifted this fabulous visit last night?  Maybe the dragonfly from the other day sent a messenger to thank me for trying?

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