Monday, August 5, 2013

Our 13 Year Wedding Anniversary, continued

we like to keep things simple...

We decided to pack (ahem, pick up subway subs;) and head down to the May River for an evening picnic.  The temps were perfect, the breezes were perfect, the atmosphere was perfect....the evening was perfect (well, except J wished we had taken the boat out instead, but can't win em' all;) case the evening wasn't perfect sweet 7 yr old Fairy Girl made me this gorgeous anniversary necklace.  I felt awful, because she worked so hard on it, to surprise me with it...handed it to me....and I was unprepared for the fact that she was going to need help tying it...and we had beads everywhere.  She cried...I wasn't pretty. :D  But all was not lost...we collected those beads and she recreated the perfect necklace for dang sweet! 

side note: and seriously, since I wear my hair tied back ALL THE TIME, I had NO idea it had gotten this light again!  Wooo hoooo, it's like I'm a kid again :D  Gotta love the sun making natural blondes MORE blonde;)  (and yes, I do wear a hat, ok a visor, almost all of the time!)

AND, incase my sweet necklace from Fairy Girl wasn't perfect enough, hubby came home with these gorgeous and perfect flowers...even included splashes of burnt fav!

life is good:)

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