There is a mermaid who collects seashells. Her name is Aleena. She also collects starfish. Aleena collects seashell purses on the ground, with pearls on the handles. She lives in a house made of rock and decorates with starfish and seashells. She uses the pearl purses to pack stuff when she goes camping. She collects little pieces of wood to make little houses for the animals that live in the ocean. She makes lanterns.
Aleena swims to an island and crawls to get on it because she can't walk--because she has a fin. Aleena goes to sleep at night and collects things all day. She finds books. Aleena turns into a human from the sea witch. She sits in the water and puts her new legs up. She looks on her new legs and sees a foot and knows she can walk.
Aleena sits on a rock and waves goodbye to her mermaid friends.