Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Boerner Trial Gardens

We had a nice "orange"-filled day:) I applied my third and final coat of harvest orange paint to the dining walls (the final reveal will be posted after tomorrow when I can hang the artwork back up:) J and I are thrilled with the results! (It only took 8 years to make our home ours:) We did our reading lesson and our math lesson (worked on pictoral graphs today). I was then able to book the girls for two field trips and an artclass through the local homeschooling association. The first field trip will be outside of the Discovery Museum--it'll be conducted by a naturalist talking about the ecology of Lake Michigan--this is geared towards young children; and it's free! Another trip will be around Thanksgiving at the Milwaukee Zoo---(this one is a whopping $2.50 per child:)---it'll teach about small animal habitats for the winter season. And finally, the girls will attend four separate art lessons, two hours at a time at Mt. Mary College. It is offered to homeschoolers and taught by an art major at the college. They combine K-12, but separate the older kids to get into more detail--I think my little artist Angel Girl will especially love this.

After lunch we thought it was too nice of a day to stay inside, since those days are numbered, so we decided to head over to Whitnall Park and the Boerner Trial Gardens (a different part of the Gardens than our Mother's Day adventure, much smaller, but still quite beautiful). And we ended our little outing at the park so the kids and I could socialize with real live people; at the park we already found our first pile of leaves and the girls had some fun with that.

1 comment:

Julie said...

How cool! Sounds like you have found some great homeschooling stuff, and I love your pictures from the garden!