Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A VERY Special Birthday Gift

I don't know how else to say this, but this was probably the BEST birthday I have EVER had!  Did we make any plans?  no ---not at all---we had NO plans at all!!   Well, at least my hubby and I did not.  Apparently my beautiful little girls did though--and they had BIG plans!!!!
 Last night, while I was away at a band rehearsal, I gave my beloved family the task of making a birthday cake!!!  I thought this would be really fun for the girls and meaningful for their daddy--but, being the VERY thoughtful and caring mom/wife that I am, I thought I made this task as easy and age-appropriate as possible---this called for me putting ALL the ingredients and the pan on the counter--along with a NO-BAKE recipe!  What is the recipe you ask?  Why it's my good friend's infamous chocolate eclaire cake!   My girls and their daddy did it--they created this beautiful cake, which I found, in the morning on TOP of the fridge:(  This made me VERY sad, because the cake was perfect---but, did you catch that this was a NO-BAKE cake---it had instant pudding in--and two cups of milk--and it sat out--all night:(:(  Since we have BIG plans this week--BIG PLANS, it was not worth the risk to us to take even one teensy weensy little bite of this beautiful cake:(  So, the cake still sits--on my fridge, awaiting the garbage can--snff snff:(  The cake that is pictured was purchased at the bagel shop today--and the candy cane, a special touch from my beautiful Little Angel, who couldn't find the candles:)
After a wonderful dinner of frozen (baked:) pizza, popcorn, mountain dew (only for me:), and cake, it was time for the gift-opening.  I opened the most wonderful gifts from my hubby (a really cute denim jacket and really really cute jeans---ok, I handed him the gifts and a bag, and said, here you go, from you to me:D---it works, he's been working a lot of hours--we're both happy:)  Following that "surprise"---my girls truly did surprise me, with pages and pages of absolutely beautiful artwork---their originals, created especially for me, in honor of mommy and my birthday--the artwork is just beautiful and means so much to me!
created by my 6 y/o Angel

Well, as if the beautiful art pieces weren't enough, my Little Angel had other plans!!  First she turned on some music for dancing (and not just any music--70s music, like stuff from Grease!!!!)  Following the musical entertainment, it was time for games!  First she arranged for us to play Zango (which is Bingo).  Following, she came up with her VERY own made-up game---where she handed out game cards and chips---and she started asking us tons and tons of trivia questions; that she just kept rattling off the top of her head--and whomever came up with the correct answer first, would receive a chip for his/her card!  She would ask questions such as, "what is 2 + 2," " how many people does it take to build a skyscraper," "what is 5 + 5" (and I'm proud to say my little Fairy Girls did answered all the math questions correctly!!), etc etc--she probably came up with 25 questions off the top of her head!  I thought this was a very clever and creative game and I was proud of her!

It turned into a beautiful evening with my family; and all the thought, creativity and love my little girls put into my birthday, truly brought tears to my eyes--I love my beautiful little girls so much---my hubby and I are so very blessed!  I am now sitting by a sizzling fire, reflecting on the neverending gifts God has so graciously granted me; I sit by this beautiful peaceful fire, in complete awe and gratittude!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Oh how sweet of them. Happy Birthday! :)