Friday, July 29, 2011

Date Nights...

Time sure does go by too quickly, especially when you get caught up in Life's Stuff; and we really have had our share...but we're done with getting caught up, and we are truly living in the beauty of each moment!  Little Miss Angel has been requesting date nights---one-on-one time with each parent----of course!!!  She MORE than deserves that, they both do!  Well, she had her first one a week or two ago with daddy, and they had a splendid time.  And tonight, it was our turn.  I asked her what she wanted to do--the sky was pretty much the limit--and do you know what she chose?  A night remininscent of the first (and sadly the last) time she and I had a date night---this was back in the fall of 2009.  I took her on a shopping spree to pick out some fall clothing--Target has adorable clothing for children, and a snack bar area; so that is where she wanted to go---to have pizza at Target again....because the first time we did that together meant THAT much to her!  Make sure you grab those one-on-one moments with your children; it means so much to them!

 Of course our beautiful Little Fairy Girl was not to be left out---so while one parent went on a date with one child, at the same time, the other parent went on a date with the other child; and then we swapped the next time around.  

Beautiful Date Nights were had by all!

My, how quickly our beautiful princesses have grown!

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