Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Independence Day 2011!

My neighbors put on a spectacular neighborhood party, followed by a spectacular fireworks display!  We probably won't make it down to Hilton Head to watch the various fireworks from the beach---Highway 278 was an absolute gridlock yesterday, going onto the island, and I'm picturing it to be 20 times worse coming off the island following the fireworks tomorrow; doesn't seem worth it.  But our neighbors put on a spectacular show in our own front yard, wouldn't you say?  (ok, I admit, half of Georgia, including our bordering town of Savannah is under severe drought right now, with forest fires 200 miles away, that when the wind blows just right, made us think the fire was in our own woods!)  So, we moved our cars down the road, and we had our hose out and ready!  But,  all was well, they did avoid the rockets, afterall:)  A great night, with great neighbors--we LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE, did I mention that we LOVE South Carolina!


Debbie said...

Wow looks like a great display! I have seen on the news that lots of southern states (especially lots of communities in Texas) have no fireworks due to threat of fires. Sad to see them cancelled but also much safer to cancel then to have a fire start from them.

Our Blessed Journey said...

You know Debbie---I honestly wasn't happy my neighbors were doing this, but thankfully we recently had a few days in a row with a lot of rain--but we are HEAVILY wooded! Today is another day where I can see the smoke in the air, and it's hard to be outside--and it's 200 miles away--I just can't imagine what the residents who live close to all of these fires are going prayers are so with them and the beautiful forests. Hope "y'all" had a great fourth up there--glad it's finally getting nice out up there!