Thursday, June 25, 2015

TBT, five years ago:

 our first three weeks in SC, landed us in three different houses on Lady's Island.

Our first house was a little green 500 sq. ft cottage in the backyard of someone's property, in the heart of Beaufort:). It's a good thing we're camping people:)
The second house was a very large and beautiful home with amazing views overlooking the marsh, and surrounded by lots of trees. This was in Pleasant Point on Lady's Island. Unfortunately for us and the homeowners, this house had been very heavily damaged with cigarette smoke by the previous tenants. This wasn't clear to us at first because they had it heavily "perfumed" with a citrus carpet cleaner. I was sad we had to leave this house, but it was so badly damaged, the property managers walked in and were overwhelmed with the fumes, and not only released us of our lease, but reimbursed us 100% (just so grateful our household "stuff" was still somewhere in Atlanta). It's too bad, we would have loved living in Pleasant Point!
We then went back to the rental cottage to keep searching.
On July 4th, 2010, we managed to find the house we wound up renting for 8 months. It was a larger than the cottage, but much smaller than the first house in Pleasant Point, had a large fenced in back yard (which was perfect for Piper and for storing our boat and camper), lots of trees and a little pool.

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