Monday, October 11, 2010

Camp Mokey: An Eating Adventure

The family is going camping on Lemon Island to Mokey Bear Campground.  They packed all their food and stuff, preparing to take walks and swim (so they thought).  On the drive to the campground, the kids looked out the window and saw a sign for Lemon Island, "we're here!!"  Suddenly, the boy, Sharkee, saw Grandma and Grandpa out the window.  "Hi Grandma!  Hi Bad Singer!!" (as Garmie the GPS says, "arriving at Mokey Bear Campground.")  Grandpa Fan and Grandma Hudy, arrive to Camp Mokey in their big van Bootie.

 Great news for Samantha, she brought ALL of her stuff, and the moving truck made it to Mokey Bear Campground!  (Samantha also packed the fridge and all their food, which also arrived.  It turns out Sharkee, the boy, packed all his stuff too, and snuck it on Samantha's moving truck.)

Jonas, the daddy, has a really long arm that can reach everything!  (This can really come in handy).  Jonas is holding his wife's hand, and she's standing pretty far away from him:)  Together, they are holding Kate, the newborn baby.

 Samantha and Sharkee read a book to baby Kate by the campfire, "Bad Singer had a little Lamb."  Then, they head over to Mokey Bear Campstore and ask for change.  They take the change to go play video games and buy candy at the campstore.  After, the family heads to the Mokey Camp Carnival.  They buy giant lollipops--2 GIANT lollipops each!  And they eat peanutbutter-stuffed cotton candy and fruit salad with ranch dressing (giggle giggle giggle).  Then they go on rides: peanutbutter horses, where you get to squirt ketchup at each other.  The next ride is the chocolate caramel running track where you squirt corn syrup at each other!


Caramel popcorn and icecream infused with ranch dressing for a quick snack (giggle giggle giggle:)

Time to head back to the campsite; they thought it would be fun to eat the whole car!  And because that wasn't enough, they ate their camper too!

And now they have the hiccups (hiccup, hiccup, hiccup:)

Oh, and now they have nowhere to sleep, hmmmmmm.

Clearly, with no camping gear left, it's time to head home.  And they had to take the trolley:D

The End

1 comment:

Julie said...

Awesome new story!