Monday, April 22, 2013

in honor of earth day, i finally took the leap....

I've lived in my house for over two years, but I've never climbed the fence into the woods (for the record, all the other members of the household (except Piper;)...have.  I figured now's a good's been a "chilly" spring, so the snakes shouldn't be out yet.  So, I finally bit the bullet and went on my little adventure!

view from my backyard

view into my backyard!

a pretty little pond just beyond my backyard (I'm sure this one comes and goes, depending on how dry the summer is)
and here's Piper, mad at me for not taking him with :D

So, when I calculated my trip over the fence, I didn't take into account that the ground on the other side was lower and softer than the ground in my backyard.  This resulted in me basically getting stuck.  The only way to return home was to either: 1. walk over to the neighbor's unfenced yard, and admit my embarrassing predicament ....OR 2.  call my husband to bring a stool, also admitting my embarrassing predicament.

I chose door #2 :D

And now I understand why we have so many mosquitoes and noseums :/ 

I can't WAIT to screen in our patio!

the end :D

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