Monday, September 20, 2010

Five Years Ago, around this time....

My Little Angel--1.5 yrs; the day before her Fairy Sister made her debut into the world.  (The little tractor came into the family at the same time:)

And this is My Little Fairy, aka Baby Flip.  She was head down week 39, but did some acrobatics in week 40 (yes I felt it:); and a version hurts far worse than the c-section did:); thus coming in to the world via c-section (be grateful I'm not posting px from the c-section--my hubby took some very details pictures:).  The neat thing was, Little Angel was a natural birth--(meaning, no epidural)---it's difficult to "be in the moment" when you're working so hard.  By contrast, I didn't feel a thing with the c-section--I was literally laughing and joking around with my O.B. and anesthesiologist (they were college room-mates, and they were FUNNY!).  And then all of a sudden, the laughter stopped, when this beautiful gift from God arrived!!!  

But for now, she's still four--we have a little over a day left of her being four--so she's NOT FIVE YET!  And yes, I'm feeling a wee-bit nostalgic:)