Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!!!!!!

this is what I wrote yesterday (on New Year's Eve day): "So I have a goal for 2013...my goal is to get my butt out of bed earlier! I've even had dreams of what I'm missing in the wee hours of the morning as the sun rises...just last night I saw myself sitting on the beach watching the sun come up and about 20 dolphins dancing and at play. Of course, being me, I attempted to take photos with my cell....but later found that the photos weren't there. Clearly there's a message that that moment was mine and mine alone. I plan on getting up earlier, starting tomorrow. My clothes are picked out...and if the family can join me, they are welcome...but in my 2.5 years in SC, I have yet to go to the beach and see the sun rise! That is how I'm going to start my 2012, watching the sun rise from the Atlantic!! I couldn't think of a more fitting welcome! My other goal is to start practicing yoga..outdoors...mostly in my backyard which backs up to a forest...I'm VERY excited about this...and realized, I'm blessed to live in a place with weather where I can do that most of the year...it's time! My other goal...MUCH more outdoor time with the kiddos and family...kayaking, MORE camping, boating (after we find a new boat...the old one's been missing a floor for a year now;)....LOTs and LOTS of nature time! Yes, my goal for 2013 is to rise and greet the day with the sun rise!"

I believe I had some similar, yet less formal goal last year at this time.  It never happened.  This surprises me because my husband was off work for TEN WHOLE MONTHS..which means this homeschooling mom had a lot more liberty to do something like this...and guess how many times I made it to the beach for sun rise?????  did you guess somewhere in the ball park of: NOTHING, NIL, ZIP, ZILCH, NAUGHT, ZIPPO? 

Then you would be correct!

And I think I'm completely pathetic...I've lived on the coast for 2.5 years now!!

And 2013 has arrived...it was time!!!!!  That said, greetings to the sun...it really DOES come out of the ocean!!!!  (I used to think it came out of Lake Michigan, but clearly I was wrong all those years:D):


Photo: Wishing everybody a blessed and peaceful 2013 from Coastal South Carolina


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