Friday, August 12, 2011

French Toast Failure!

Since we've been on the topic of confessions and failures and domestic shortcomings (I may have alluded to the fact that I can't/don't sew...but am starting to have some sparks of hope and desire to maybe learn...just for the sake of creating my own grungy primitive ornies!  could be a really fun hobby for me and the girls over the years!  Maybe we'll start our own little ebay or etsy biz with our creations!).....anyway, there was a know before I became this stay-at-home-organic-natural-earthy-holistic-artsy (ok musically artsy:)-hippyish-earth childish-spiritualist-vegetarian-homeschooling DOMESTIC GODDESS!  Yes, LONG before the new and "improved?" me you've come to know and love---the grown up 30-40 somethingish me-----was a teen and 20 somethingish me---and THAT me resisted ALL things domestic--I was a straight A/honor roll student for much of my school career--with one HUGE exception---and that was my junior high required one year course in Home Economics!  My heart pillow was crooked:(  My denim vest?  is that what that thing was supposed to be?  I struggled with boiling water for the macaroni, only to open a can of cheese soup to dump into it!  (yes, that is how we were taught to make mac and cheese in junior high:)  Even more recently--if a button falls off my husband's pants--one teeny weeney little button--his pants will literally lie in wait for the application of a new button, for MONTHS!  My mom tried desperately to teach me how to sew---we (she) made my first born some wonderful baby fleece jammies!---SHE made them--my mom tried SO hard to teach me--(I literally struggle with trying to thread the machine!)  Eventually, I just gave her her Avocado 70's Singer Machine back:/  Even recently, after technically four major moves in our marriage, J has finally come to accept that the (his, he brought them into our marriage:) iron and ironing board will NEVER be used!  Let's just say when he finally sent me to Goodwill to donate them, and I told the donation receiving guy my husband gave up on me, the guy was laughing:D

Ok, finally, French Toast--my first *attempt* at French Toast came when I was 18--I was recently graduated from high school; and spent some of the summer babysitting a high school teacher's children while he traveled overseas....morning 1.  the 12 year old boy was teasing his 5 year old sister, by having her watch the news and tell her that the airplane crash that really was on the news that morning, was the one that THEIR parents were on (not true...he was just being a boy:/) but, grrrrrrr----5 year old sister was VERY VERY upset, understandably.  So, I finally calmed her down, and they agreed on French Toast for breakfast---what?  I can't cook!  I called my mom who gave me verbal instructions---and I felt fully confident that I could make the requested French Toast---so, I heated up the pan, got the bread, eggs, milk.....easy peasy!  Put the bread onto the hot oiled pan, and poured the egg and milk mixture over the bread!  I was so excited, I was cooking---until the 12 year old smart-a#@ asked why we were having bread surrounded by scrambled eggs:O

I  am happy to report that my culinary skills have greatly improved (assuming you like baked goods and vegetarian meals:) and that my family is in NO danger of starving!  Also, if I may say so myself, I have learned and grew from that experience, 25 years ago, and today, just this morning in fact, I can now create a MEAN French Toast!

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