This little pup's already had quite an adventure in his young life! He was born in Kentucky, and the family couldn't afford to take care of his mom or his two sisters, so they were moved to an overcrowded shelter in Kentucky. A foster organization up here took them in, and he went to a very loving home in Waukesha County--and then he came to his forever home with us in early March at 9 weeks of age. Three weeks later, he took his second long car ride, when we drove back through Kentucky and kept going to Florida (the puppy picture with the flowers was taken in Huntsville, AL on the way down, by the Rocket!), where he first met his cousins Cimba and Babe and his grandma and grandpa. In May we packed up the clan again, and headed to The Smokey Moutains and to the Carolinas for a week of camping. And at the end of June early July, we packed up the clan once again for a two week adventure out west, where we saw The Black Hills, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and The Badlands, (where you see him rolling around in the above picture). And he's been up north to Grandma and Grandpa's a couple of times, and has been to a few dog parks in Florida, here, and up by my parents', and camping in the Dells.
This link is his adoptive video, bio and pictures from his foster home; the video's really cute, watch it if you can:
Happy Birthday Piper Cub--you little fluffy pup---we're so happy and grateful you're in our family!!!!