![Photo: Just a few more minutes! Who's here? #wfmhhi](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/1422369_907420432618175_3932915029978469125_n.jpg?oh=34f5bcb24a25c6ba3102754d7e605135&oe=544DF916&__gda__=1413203669_143c23fd1d87d7231993ac979db8c7e3)
the first thing we saw was the pizza bar...I wished I had walked further prior to ordering pizza....because the salad bar looks amazing! but no worries, it all worked out, because they accidentally burnt our first batch, and pizza was on the house!
and the amount of desserts there...HOLY CRAP!
and check out the olive bar!
and the gourmet soap bar! I never knew there was a such thing....
yes, we caved...the girls and I each picked out a bar of soap:
and WOW, what a welcome; do they know their customers, or what :D
welcome to the Island Whole Foods....glad you finally made it! You are now our go-to girls' day out place :D