1 cup dried elderberries
1/2 cup dried elderflowers
2 tbsp ginger chips
1 tbsp cinnamon chips
16 oz water
4oz vodka or brandy
1 lemon, juice
16 oz honey or sugar
1. Mix all the dried herbs together in a jar.
2. Pour 16 oz boiling water over the herbs, and 4 oz of vodka or brandy
3. cap and let infuse 8 hours or overnight.
4. In a muslin, jelly bag, or cheesecloth strain the herbs from the
liquid. Squeeze gently to get as much fluid from the herbs as possible.
5. Add the juice of 1 lemon.
6. Measure out exactly how much liquid you have in a glass measuring cup.
7. Add an equal amount of raw honey or sugar to the liquid. Mix well until sugar dissolves.
8. Bottle and store. It will keep best under refrigeration. If you
wish to keep this in the pantry, you will want to use more alcohol in
step 2 (8 oz of 50% vodka) to preserve.
Take 1-3 tsp per day all season long, or 1/2 tsp hourly in acute illness.
(note from Jess, from whom I snagged the recipe):
p.s- I used cinnamon and ginger powder, instead of chips, reducing the
amount by half: 1tbspn ginger, 1/2tbspn cinnamon. I recommend brandy for
this recipe, over vodka. And using a metal strainer if u don't have
cheesecloth, works perfectly