Saturday, October 22, 2011

NOW I'm at Home!

I slapped a little of my signature burnt orange on my sink wall (ok, not much of a wall there, but the effect makes me HAPPY!)  I had this in my family and dining room up north, and I miss it!  Although I don't have any desire to do entire rooms in my burnt orange, a little accent here in there is a beautiful thing!  (gosh, my green walls aren't really THAT green, though they do change in every light:).  AND J LOVES it!!  So, now I am working my way up to braving the fire place wall with my burnt orange!!!!! Did I ever mention how much I love fall-oranges!  (maybe that's why I love pumpkins so much:) Oh, and all my years of loving orange, had no idea orange would one day become recommended "therapy" for me---literally!

1 comment:

Our Blessed Journey said...

thank you! Haven't sold J on the matel wall, yet....but then again, he just came home to this, but he likes it too:)