Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ring Out The Old; Ring in The New--reflections

photo taken from final hike of 2011

2011: This was a year of MUCH transition for me and my family.  It was a year followed by much whirlwind of a previous year of travel, loss, and a strong desire to have that fresh start...and we did.....2010 didn't involve a whole lot of thinking and reflecting---we just went!  And then 2011 arrived, we found ourselves feeling a little bit more settled in our new neck of the woods---but we still had the craziness of 2010 of having JUST relocated to a new state, far away from WI; moving into a pricey house rental situation, with our home in WI on the market...trying to get all of our house hold goods to catch up with us in SC....working with our wonderful (Thank GOD for her) realtor in WI, who went WAY beyond the call of duty to help us with the sale of our home...selling our home, finding a new home, buying a home---and 2011 hits...we are completely packed up...once again....then we hit Disney World to celebrate Little Angel's 7th birthday, then we come back, and then I bring my girls back to FLA to be with grandparents, so that we can close on our beautiful new home and move in, and install new flooring and get unpacked and settled in and....add to this, I traveled to WI twice (driving once by myself with two little girls), we hit OH once, we hit FLA a few times, a week in The Smokies.....J wound up working UNGODLY INSANE hours....basically as much as we love it here and are settling in nicely---2011 was a year of finding peace amongst the chaos.....

and then...the Winter Solstice Hit, and brought with us a fresh opportunity for us to completely reinvent our lives...the peaceful, nature-based, simplistic lives we have always so-desired!  Most people would be fearful or upset by the changes coming our way...but not us....we are filled with nothing but complete gratitude!  

And we are, the much talked about and written about 2012!!  This is my year of gratitude and creativity.  And I truly am grateful! My 2012 Resolution: to be as In the moment, with Gratitude for each and every moment, as I can possibly be.

photo taken from first 2012 hike

Wishing all of you a blessed and peaceful 2012----filled with Love and Gratitude!

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