Well here we are already at June the 4th! In this time of transition,
the space between world ages, 2012 is a watershed year. And within this
year, from an astrologer's perspective, June is the pivotal month.
Today we are experiencing a potent
lunar eclipse and of course on 5/6 June we will experience the Venus
Transit. Then later this month 20/21st we have the Cancer Solstice,
followed by the much anticipated 23/24th Uranus square Pluto exact! All
this celestial energy is pouring forth upon us, providing us with an
incredible opportunity for catapulting ourselves forward, opening to and
uniting with our soul self, connecting to the unified field and living
from this space, eliminating duality from within ourselves and our
lives, embracing our gifts and talents AND re-engineering our lives to
bring them more in alignment with our higher truth and this oneness.
Bringing balance, harmony, passion and joy back into our daily
In surrendering to this evolutionary objective
completely, we allow ourselves to clear all that is holding us back from
this objective quickly, with grace and ease - NOW!! Resistance on the
other hand really creates struggle - in every area of our lives. So if
you are finding there is a lot of struggle in your life overall (or in a
particular part of it) - it is time to take a good audit and commit to
shifting that which is no longer in your highest good.
For some
people despite being in the place of total surrender, there is so much
clearing going on that they feel the heaviness of this in their life and
even health... if you are here - hang in there, it is soooo worth it!
For others again - there is a determined passionate drive to allow
change into their lives, to open to their gifts and be the change in our
world, if this is you "keep on moving", please don't judge any of the
challenges entering your life as negative, know they are either pointers
saying 'not this way' or simply the clearing process, either way they
highlight the path to your destination! Know in your heart that with
your commitment to your goal, an open heart and an ear on your inner
voice, with the celestial flow of this time and the incredible support
of the vast armies of light beings behind us- you will achieve your
The reality is that every day there are opportunities
for high highs, and sometimes there are big lows, and everything in
between! This is because we are seeing and/or shifting and clearing the
'old' and 'past' energetically or literally moment by moment - creating
space for the new more aligned frequencies and realities to birth
within us and reflect out into our world. The truth is that so much is
going on energetically and multi-dimensionally that we cannot even know
how big this really is - we just have to trust in the process. This is
important work, great work, honoured work - something we chose with
excitement to come to Earth to participate in. Now is a time to feel
that excitement and the goal that unites us all here on Earth!
The key to navigating this incredible time is to truly love and honour
yourself, to nurture yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. It
is really the most important of things to be doing right now and I want
to share with you some tips and ideas to help you do just this!
Throughout this period, and especially on key alignment dates like the next 2 days:
Eat healthy nutritious food (keep it as green as possible), avoid sugars, caffeine, alcohol and other toxins.
Pamper yourself with a massage or other nurturing activities.
Exercise - particularly those that help you attune to your body and the
rhythms of creation/nature , such as yoga, tai chi, surfing etc.
Rest when your body is tired - guilt free rest is vital.
Spend time in nature (grounding and nurturing yourself is vital right
now). Working with crystals is also very beneficial right now, just
keep those you are attracted to nearby throughout your day.
Be vigilant about your thoughts (try to keep them lovingly aligned with your truth, the world you wish to create)
Stay positive and focused.
Open to new opportunities and adventures (follow the synchronicity in
your life, or that nagging inner voice that says DO THIS!!)
Ritualize your intent (make meditation, visualisation, prayer & blessings a part of your daily life)
Allow changes to flow naturally (surrender to the changes entering your
world, trust that everything is for the best, placing you where you are
meant to be)
Be creative (have fun!)
Connect with your core being...your essence
Keep a journal of your thoughts, feelings and impressions
Open to deeper love (heal the past, heal old wounds, forgive, feel, open to compassion)
Hold loved ones, the Earth and all beings in prayer
Journey with Venus, the Sun, Moon and Earth Mother, all the planets,
the stars and galaxies. Go deep. Expand. Allow. Breathe with the rhythms
of creation.
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