Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fairy Girl is an eight girl now!

This post comes almost a week late, but I have a GREAT excuse!  We were camping in the Smokeys!  Due to Mother Nature altering our plans, we actually wound up spending most of her birthday traveling....but she was a good sport and we made the best of it.  We did start out her day with her most favorite food in the entire world.....pancakes....and she had her pancakes at Cracker Barrel.....and as an added bonus, they brought the birthday girl cake....for breakfast:)

she received her first birthday gift when we loaded up the Sienna....from Little Angel....and as an added bonus, Little Angel bought the pink one for herself (not to be left out of all the fun;)....but it actually worked out....they played the whole road trip there!

but alas, we eventually arrived, set up camp, and brought out the cake that was made the previous day by Little Angel...deeeeelish!

the pictures are a little dark, well, because yes, it was definitely getting dark by the time we got around to her birthday party

make a wish, sweet girl!  may ALL your dreams come true!

and no birthday is complete without presents! (we relocated into the camper for this;)

a special guest

this year she was BEYOND excited to receive cash and her very first Visa debit card!
Here is how she elected to spend her "credit card" (*these are only a FEW of the black bears....there were additionals purchased after this photo....the black bears are kind of a symbol of the Smokeys;)

All in all, I'd say, a GREAT birthday was had by all!
(p.s. stay tuned for the big surprise of the week!)

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