"A big key seems to be joyful eating. If we already believe a food is going to add pounds or be unhealthy when we put it in our mouth what are we telling our body. I am also a fan of "real" food vs fast or processed foods."
And it also seems that my choice to become confused over what was once very clear to me, has led me away from what defines "health" to me: leading a joyful, authentic life, and releasing what no longer serves; seeing beauty and feeling gratitude for each and EVERY moment (the good, the bad, and the ugly). And MOST importantly....understanding that we choose it...ALL if it! Own our choices!
My family is a vegetarian family....not because we think we "should" be; but because it's what resonates with us. We enjoy our bread, cheese, eggs, and butter....along with our fruits, veggies, beans, and whole grains (and occasional desserts:).
I can tell you when my self-induced food confliction began, a few months ago a trusted friend merely suggested that I should try gluten-free for a short term, just to see how my body responds. (This is taken a tad out of context as this suggestion was in response to something I sought her help with, that I still don't believe is or ever was a food/health issue....but how I chose to respond in the months following is what's important here). When she first suggested this, we were getting ready to go on a camping trip. The mere thought of suddenly removing bread and garden burgers and pizza, etc etc, literally made me feel resentful.
(again, I own my choices here, this is not a reflection of my dear, trusted friend). But because I trust and respect her I started looking into why gluten free is such a big "fad" right now. So I started reading about wheat being modified, etc etc. Then I started hearing about the evils of casein, from other trusted "vegan" book sources, etc:
What? not only do I have to stop eating my wonderful breads, but now my butter and cheese (oh, and olive oil and coconut oil too)?????? Are you kidding me! Great, so now I'm REALLY going to start "depriving" me and my family of foods that we enjoy! I'm not talking processed junk here people! We've always been mostly a whole-foods based family; and that has always brought us great joy!! But because of this beautiful reminder from my friend today, I realized I'M taking the joy out of food for me and my whole family and turning it into the enemy. What am I teaching my children! They are upset with me because I won't buy some cheese (and deep down I was fighting this too)!
(Moderation makes me joyful:)
I'm grateful for the last few months and this seemingly simple, but profound reminder of what "food" or anything in life is truly about! Joy! Love! Gratitude! Choice! Beauty! Freedom! Peace! ..... Our Blessed Journey!
And I feel like a HUGE weight, that I didn't even realize I had slowly created and was carrying, has been lifted! These last few months have been a great exercise and opening for me!
To my friend who gave me the beautiful wake-up call.....I have so much Love and Gratitude for you. You know me well, and you have beautiful ways of helping me to remember what I have known and lived for years! It's time to stop listening to everyone else, and get back to listening to me and my beautiful family. We know ourselves best! And more importantly, we know what makes us Joyful!
We really do create our existence...with every thought we think, and every feeling we feel.
Life is such a beautiful gift!
Enjoy each and Every Moment!
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