Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Unit Study---Oceanography---Story Writing

activity: we are working with a unit study theme of oceanography---why?  we now live 15 miles from the Atlantic and because it was the free, immediately-available unit study that came with the unit study curriculum we purchased and for which we were waiting:)  This particular activity is about day four for this unit (each unit is designed to last about two weeks).  This one suggests, if you were to take a miracle pill to breathe and live underwater, write a poem describing what life would be like.  Well, of course this is right up our alley--but the girls have WAY too much to say (esp. when there is an opportunity to become mermaids:) to put it into a poetic format:)


The "miracle pill" to breathe under water is SEAWEED!!!  We go to fish school.  We read fish stories.  We do fish math!... (fish + fish = fish)...shark + shark = MAD SHARK....

We also go on field trips to explore shark placesThere, we would ride on a sea horse and have the best-time ever!!  (Fairy Girl) is now a mermaid named Cinderella: "I have a blue tail, a blue bra, and hair the color of the sky, and a pretty voice!  Oh and I found a blue necklace that said to me: 'I belonged to you all this time; I'm yours now!'  I'd be a mermaid forever with animal mermaids: mer-dogs, mer-cows, and mer-catterpillars!"

  We now head to the Sea of Adventureland, where we will be sure to meet dolphins and ride on them.  We would also ride on candy cane seahorses!!  Candy and Icecream are EVERYWHERE!!

 Candy canes started falling everywhere, but dolphin helped us to escape.  It also rains chocolate, in the Sea of Adventureland!

After we escaped the torrential candy cane downpours we met Ice-cream Octopus, Bubble Gum Ice Cream Sea Horses; Ice Cream inside of jelly beans; Sea Sponges made out of vanilla ice cream; sea stars made out of chocolate; sea horses' tentacles made out of jelly beans.

The Queen's crown was made of jelly beans and frosting and a candy tail!
Sea horses are made of lots of ice cream and frosting....mermaids lick them! (of course:)

We are mermaids!  Mermaid City Forever!!! 
(we will never leave;)

The Candy Mer-Tail End 

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