Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kundalini Yoga

As a homeschooling full-time mom, it's not always easy to find consistent time to yourself to squeeze in exercise routines, etc.  In my case, since I had gone through so much with pregnancies, I've had a lot to work through emotionally, and of course physically.  It's imperative to heal your emotions before you can truly begin your physical healing journey (in my case, balancing thyroid, weight loss...gained not only during pregnancy issues, but because of the emotions behind them).  I'm proud to say that I'm VERY balanced...but am still "left" with weight...some of which I've lost; around 25 pounds.  There is more to go:)  Things throw me off easily, but I get back on track faster.  Part of taking better care of myself, and being a very spiritual person, involved me wanting to incorporate a regular yoga practice into my day.  It's taken awhile, but I've finally found a form of yoga that truly fits the bill for me!  Kundalini yoga....I LOVE it!  (Kundalini draws up the earth energy).  Since I'm a Kundalini Reiki Master, this kind of made sense for me to go in this  direction...and I now have about 10 dvd's and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them.....I find that I wake much earlier (NO alarm, sahm's don't DO alarms;)....I think about yoga throughout the day...I feel very peaceful, and very energized, and just plain feel good!  This form of yoga is MUCH different than traditional Hatha poses....and breathing and various types of breathwork are key!  This is very cleansing for your organs and glands and blood and body and spirit...and you can really feel it.  This morning was nice and cozy with rain and candles, and J even joined me...and even Piper did:)  I'm very grateful to have begun practicing Kundalini yoga...this is life-long for me...not a short-term fad:) 

and yes, he literally did the downward dog pose, on a mat at one was cute:)

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