Thursday, January 16, 2014

time to retrain my brain

I'm usually fairly on top of things with organic, nutritious foods, green products, etc....and in the past we were actually ahead of the game. However, I've been resistant to this whole "gluten" free "fad"...thinking it really was just that, a "fad," and not all that important for people who don't seem to have wheat sensitivities or digestive issues. I thought I was doing my family justice by creating home-baked, whole grain breads, etc, by using 100% Whole Wheat Organic Pastry Flour....I've been doing this for YEARS. I couldn't understand why wheat (even organic) was suddenly a mass problem, when people have been using it for a couple of thousand years and more:) And I finally decided it was time to see what all the "hype" was about, (I've been resistant to the research because we're already vegetarians, giving up the "bread" is not easy).

So I get it now, I didn't understand that wheat has changed, and it makes sense now. So, I may be slow, but I'm finally on the wheat-free band wagon, and researching healthier baking alternatives (I'm not interested in too many of the boxed gluten free items). And I've decided (without having actually tried it yet:) that Almond Flour is going to be my new best friend. I've printed out a few very healthy recipes (not just trying to eliminate wheat, but want to bake very nutritiously), and ordered a book that I'm excited about and seems doable, with the busy mom life-style.  

I like the protein content of almond flour...will be good for vegetarians:)

Excited for this new venture:) (running to Publix and hoping they have almond flour, I'm pretty sure I've seen it there)

(and lunch today: homemade organic yogurt with organic bananas, pecans, and a splash of unsulfured black strap molasses....YUM!)

Tips welcome:)

Here's the book I ordered; I like that she created this using health-minded ingredients:  
and the website of the author.  I like what she has to say: 

gluten free sandwich bread

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