Saturday, August 13, 2011

Presenting Our Gingerbread House Suite...

 Please note, this final picture of the gingerbread quilt square, was actually specially made by our beloved Wisconsin Gingerbread House---he has a place of honor in our newly erected Gingerbread Suite!


Julie said...

Wow - it looks wonderful! I hope your next guests enjoy it!

Our Blessed Journey said...

thank you--apparently we'll find out in three weeks, when your inlaws and auntie A come for J's (ahem 50th). I'm sure Uncle K will dig all the Gingerbread Dudes:) However, not pictured, Barbie house and kitchen, relocated to the corner under the light switch (to the left when you first enter) and to the right by the closet a whole huge pile of stuff that can't be put into the attic til we get it further insulated (I opened up my xmas decs that I had in plastic bins up there for two weeks in the spring, and the candles melted into things:O)