Monday, August 27, 2012

Tour of My Girls' New Sweet Garden Suite

Little Ms Angel painted these Craig's List finds, all by herself!  (her daddy sanded:)

my $10 Barbie House find, with lots of wood furniture! Talk about ask and you shall receive; about 4 years ago, when my girls started playing with barbies, I had the thought they needed a house...the next day I hit ebay, and there it was! $10, local pick up only...not only was this house located in the milwaukee area, but they had to be in Muskego that Saturday and delivered it to me at an Ace Hardware that was only 6 blocks from my old house:D

My old tv; circa 1992...they use this to watch dvds only and not at bedtime; as mommy and daddy are not "into" tvs in the bedroom;)

Little Angel's old bedroom; soon to be painted and redecorated, becoming our much smaller guest room.

Fairy Girl's old room...not sure what's happening with this; so far it's filled with the stuff that was filling the bonus room..but we know there's a plan....

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