Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fairy Garden!!

Photo: Gardening with a whimsy flair - create an eco-fairy village for the wee folk to stay while they tend your garden chores. The eco-village must not have anything purchased, the wee folk must learn to make do on recycled and re-purposed loot, trinkets, and handmade huts, 'n hovels.   

Make it an adventure to locate the pieces of your fairy village. 

This is something I REALLY want to do with the girls!!!  Wouldn't this be a crazy cool ongoing project for us in our backyard forest???!!!!!

"Gardening with a whimsy flair - create an eco-fairy village for the wee folk to stay while they tend your garden chores. The eco-village must not have anything purchased, the wee folk must learn to make do on recycled and re-purposed loot, trinkets, and handmade huts, 'n hovels.

Make it an adventure to locate the pieces of your fairy village."

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