Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Last Day of Eight

Today is the last day of my first born little girl being an eight year old???!!  Tomorrow she will be nine!  One year away from double digits, half way to being a legally-voting adult, more than half way from obtaining her driver's license.....I look back at photos and cannot believe how quickly this has all gone!  I think time sped up for us quite a bit during the busyness of moving from Wisconsin to South Carolina...the  major relocation was definitely good for us, but it also sucked up quite a bit of our time and energy in putting a house up for sale, loading all the goods, finding a temporary house to live in, getting acclaimated to our new environment, selling our house up north, finding a new house down here, etc, etc, etc.....and they are with me almost every moment of every day...because we are blessed to be able to homeschool....yet it still feels like time is just flying by!

Little Angel is a very artisitc, a free-spirit, very innocent, yet very wise, very independant, yet very family-oriented, sweet  (tall) little girl.  She's an AVID reader, she loves the water, she loves to draw, she loves to write, she loves to bake, she loves to practice ballet, she just loves to create!  She doesn't give hugs and kisses freely (we have to bribe her;)....she was even like this as a baby...she did not want to be held (unless she was being nursed;), she wanted to sit independently right next to us, but she loves with all of her heart!  She's very sensitive, but holds it in, it's very important to recognize this about her and help her draw her feelings out...this is where her art has been crucial... (and now writing), she greatly expresses herself through creativity and art!  Even when she was a toddler, and our family was going through some emotionally challening circumstances, her artwork had stick figures, with sad faces....we worked hard on that, and one day, all of her artwork started having smiley faces again!  This made our hearts soar!

We are SO incredibly blessed to have this beautiful angel in our lives; so grateful for this little girl who is such a pure spirit and has so much to offer the world.  Her innocence and pure joy and love of  life brings so much Light to our beautiful world.

Little Angel is Beauty, Love, and Light!

I Love you with all of my heart Little Angel.

Enjoy your last day of Eight my sweet girl!!! 
Enjoy every moment, as you always do; always.
      ALWAYS be your true self!
Photo: Tomorrow, my first-born baby girl will be 9!!!  

Two minutes ago, she was a toddler; going much too quickly;)


p.s.  she still says "scabetti" (spaghetti;)...and I'm not fixing that one!

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